Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First post

Well, here I go. This will be short and sweet because the fam-damily will be calling soon. Just wanted to see if I could get things going on here. I am very excited to finally have this damn thing set up. Time time time....where does it all go.


Tracy said...

woohoo! LOL - did you know you already have a warning on your blog? That's freakin hilarious!

I like it!

Christine said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Drea!!! I'm so happy you're here and we can chat together more regularly!!!

Love the layout, too. I love dark backgrounds. And the pink is just the right touch. Wanna come help me decorate my house? ;)


Drea said...

Why thank you! Has taken me long enough, hasn't it!!! I'm slowly getting there. I am not much for decorating, but I'm trying. Have you checked out my new myspace page? I just did it yesterday and am very is uber bright!