Thursday, June 26, 2008

Deep thoughts...yeah right

Ahhh, I was finally able to sit down and watch P.S. I Love You and what a treat. At first, when I heard about this movie (and me, the only words I heard were Gerard Butler), I was very excited. Everyone told me I had to watch it, but it was sad. Well damn, why do I want to purposely watch something sad and I even stated this time and again. 'No, have to watch it. You will love it'. This from everyone. So, a couple of Saturday's ago, when the boys were "camping" in the back yard and I had the house to myself, I sat down to watch it.
Holy crap. I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more....and cried some more. What a great movie. It hit me on a lot of levels, but two things really sat out. One, being happy everyday with what you have and also, is there a kind of love out there for me like that? Not sure if that makes sense, but it really made me think. I love my other half, but I truly wonder how long we will last....but that is a discussion for another day. Needless to say, but this will go on my TBL and will set right next to 300 on my movie shelf. MMMMMM Gerry.
Little side little guy that runs the barber shop was open at 5:30am as usual today and as I drove by and looked in, he was asleep on the recliner in the shop. Too cute!!!
Well, if you noticed my side bar, I finished Blood Noir and am on to Lover Enshrined. Blood Noir was good. Not as much action as there was character building, but I liked it. I have been a fan since the beginning and have ridden the roller coaster that is Anita Blake. So many love LKH's books up to a certain point and then begin to hate them. Granted, some of the middle ones are not what we started out with, but isn't that true of life in general? I like how Anita is growing and changing and yes, she is a little rough but that is our Anita. My only complaint: I would love to have more of Jean Claude and the vampire politics. I miss him and I want more than a little bit here and there of what the council and other vampires are thinking of their growing power and issues.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for Lover Enshrined. I did read some crummy reviews, but most everyone that has read it has loved it. I just seem to be going through another reading slump...or maybe it is brain melt.
Anyhoo, I better get back to work. Thanks for listening to me drone on and on and on........

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Wow. Getting my mind together to form anything cohesive today is turning out to be a real battle. It seems to just be jumping everywhere from my job blowing today (well, I guess that is most days) to what's for dinner and then to why would someone add ham and pickles to a Philly steak sandwich. The first two I guess are easy to answer, but the last....the world will never know.

Do you ever catch yourself wondering about something and making up these stories about it and wishing you could find out the answers? Each day I drive to work I pass by first, a barber shop with the oldest little man that runs it. I am driving to work between 5:30 and 5:45 am and he is opening up shop at this time. There have been a couple of days that he has not been there and I get all worried, wondering if he is OK, or if he has family to check on him to make sure he is OK. Silly, huh? But everyday I look for him. Second is a couple of scooters that are parked next to a building downtown. They are always the morning. The other day I drove by and there was just one and someone out on the sidewalk pacing with a ciggy. I am thinking to myself if they are a couple...did they break up...did one of them not come home....on and on and on. Is this sane behavior?

Well, I guess I should get back to work. So not fun, but I only have an hour left. Then home to the psycho puppy and the monster 5 year old. Ahhhh the joys of motherhood...wouldn't change it for anything!!! (OK, maybe a few quiet minutes to myself here and there.)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Wednesday!!

Ahh, that magical day of the week. No, not Friday....I wish. I am always ready for the weekend.
I have finally figured out how to sign on to this here at, dare I say Shame on me, I know. I live on the edge. Hee hee.
Well, that my coworker that was driving me bonkers has gone on break and I can actually write something, my mind has gone blank. I know, for some that will be no surprise...the surprise will be that there was actually something in my head in the first place.
We are having quite the rainy days here in Idaho this week. I am loving it. I am not ready for the blaring heat yet. What I am ready for right now is a nap. There is something about the rain that makes me just want to curl up in a ball and nap all day or snuggle in with a blanket and a good book. Would be a good day to finish my book. Hopefully today or tomorrow I will get that thing done so I can move onto the next: either Blood Noir by Laurell K Hamilton or Lover Enshrined by JR Ward. Not sure which one to pick yet. I guess it might depend on whether I get Lover Enshrined by the time I finish Dark Desires. I really liked that Kresley Cole had her latest two come out so close together. I usually forget so much of what happened by the time the next book comes along that I play a lot of catch up.
I guess that is it for my mindless rambling for the day. I am sure I can come up with more later, but only if I can find some spare time! Where does it all go???

Monday, June 2, 2008

Current read

Oh, I wish I had more time. All I ever get is a few minutes here and there to get this shit figured out. So, my poor Guinea pigs, here I go on my first whack at adding a picture. Hope this works.
Anyhoo, I am LOVING this book! Cade is just too hot for words and Holly is really growing on me. She was driving me a little nuts at first, but you have to love her OCD...especially when you see a little bit of yourself in her!
I was really hoping to have this done in time for Lover Enshrined tomorrow, but Phury will just have to wait a few days.