Thursday, June 12, 2008


Wow. Getting my mind together to form anything cohesive today is turning out to be a real battle. It seems to just be jumping everywhere from my job blowing today (well, I guess that is most days) to what's for dinner and then to why would someone add ham and pickles to a Philly steak sandwich. The first two I guess are easy to answer, but the last....the world will never know.

Do you ever catch yourself wondering about something and making up these stories about it and wishing you could find out the answers? Each day I drive to work I pass by first, a barber shop with the oldest little man that runs it. I am driving to work between 5:30 and 5:45 am and he is opening up shop at this time. There have been a couple of days that he has not been there and I get all worried, wondering if he is OK, or if he has family to check on him to make sure he is OK. Silly, huh? But everyday I look for him. Second is a couple of scooters that are parked next to a building downtown. They are always the morning. The other day I drove by and there was just one and someone out on the sidewalk pacing with a ciggy. I am thinking to myself if they are a couple...did they break up...did one of them not come home....on and on and on. Is this sane behavior?

Well, I guess I should get back to work. So not fun, but I only have an hour left. Then home to the psycho puppy and the monster 5 year old. Ahhhh the joys of motherhood...wouldn't change it for anything!!! (OK, maybe a few quiet minutes to myself here and there.)


Tracy said...

That is so cool that you A) notice things like that and B) wonder about them. I do things like that, but they change so often it's hard to be too worried!

Hope you have a great day!

Christine said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices details like you do about other people's lives. Sometimes I tell myself not to pay attention or care, and that I'm just nosey with no other motivation. But I really can't help myself. Its truly just part of my nature to like people and to want to know about them just because I care. For no other reason than I care. Pretty simple.

I like your blog, Drea. I should post more personal and random thoughts. Its nice. :)

Drea said...

Well thanks! I am full of random thoughts, so it shouldn't be a problem!! Hee hee

Christine said...


How are you? I blog tagged you... giving you something random to post on your blog! lol

Check out my blog for deets. =)