Ahhh, I was finally able to sit down and watch P.S. I Love You and what a treat. At first, when I heard about this movie (and me, the only words I heard were Gerard Butler), I was very excited. Everyone told me I had to watch it, but it was sad. Well damn, why do I want to purposely watch something sad and I even stated this time and again. 'No, no...you have to watch it. You will love it'. This from everyone. So, a couple of Saturday's ago, when the boys were "camping" in the back yard and I had the house to myself, I sat down to watch it.
Holy crap. I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more....and cried some more. What a great movie. It hit me on a lot of levels, but two things really sat out. One, being happy everyday with what you have and also, is there a kind of love out there for me like that? Not sure if that makes sense, but it really made me think. I love my other half, but I truly wonder how long we will last....but that is a discussion for another day. Needless to say, but this will go on my TBL and will set right next to 300 on my movie shelf. MMMMMM Gerry.
Little side note...my little guy that runs the barber shop was open at 5:30am as usual today and as I drove by and looked in, he was asleep on the recliner in the shop. Too cute!!!
Well, if you noticed my side bar, I finished Blood Noir and am on to Lover Enshrined. Blood Noir was good. Not as much action as there was character building, but I liked it. I have been a fan since the beginning and have ridden the roller coaster that is Anita Blake. So many love LKH's books up to a certain point and then begin to hate them. Granted, some of the middle ones are not what we started out with, but isn't that true of life in general? I like how Anita is growing and changing and yes, she is a little rough but that is our Anita. My only complaint: I would love to have more of Jean Claude and the vampire politics. I miss him and I want more than a little bit here and there of what the council and other vampires are thinking of their growing power and issues.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for Lover Enshrined. I did read some crummy reviews, but most everyone that has read it has loved it. I just seem to be going through another reading slump...or maybe it is brain melt.
Anyhoo, I better get back to work. Thanks for listening to me drone on and on and on........
Hi Drea!
I don't read LKH so I'm afraid I can't comment on your Blood Noir thoughts. I do hope you enjoy Lover Enshrined, though. If you go into reading it like a paranormal family saga and not a romance, I think you'll like it! Can't wait to hear your thoughts!
I like it when you drone! lol
I had heard such mixed reviews on this movie - good to hear you like it. I may just check it out!
Ditto what Christine said...think of it as a family saga and it will be great! :)
Oh I loved this movie too. Anything thing Gerard Butler I gotta watch. The soundtrack is really good too.
I thought Blood Noir was good too, But I missed Jean-Claude.
Hi Drea
Thought I'd pop by your Blog to say 'hello' and thanks for checking out Terpsichore's spotlight on sly's Blog.
Hywela Lyn
Drea !
Congratulations on your win of my book, Power of Pussy. I hope you have received it by now and enjoy it. I would love a review !
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